Classic Blueberry Muffins

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So my brother is a YouTube Content Creator focusing on “Let’s Plays” where he plays video games. He most of the time plays single player, but sometimes features guests on his channel. I am lucky enough to be featured once a week on a live stream we do! Being a part of his community, I have made a number of what I consider awesome friends in the past 6 months. There is one friend who also has her own channel, and has quite the following. On a game called Graveyard Keeper she plays, there is the need to eat food to replenish energy. There are hot keys where you can put items you use most often, like food, of which our community calls it the “muffin button”. For some reason, I now crave muffins like ALL THE TIME.

Muffins such as my apple & carrot breakfast muffins have really been hitting the spot, but I also like to mix things up. Enter a classic muffin recipe that I was craving and glad I made, blueberry! This was a simple recipe that anyone should be able to make as it is based off of simple pantry staples. I always keep frozen fruit in my freezer for fruit smoothies so I even had the blueberries on hand. Try these out as another option for breakfast! I love eating one with a grapefruit or some other citrus as a well rounded morning meal. Hope you enjoy!

Classic Blueberry Muffins

A tasty classic blueberry muffin that you should be able to make with simple pantry staples! Absolutely delicious and great for breakfasts on the go!
Prep Time5 mins
Cook Time50 mins
Total Time55 mins
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Servings: 24 muffins


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1.5 cups granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 4 tsp baking powder
  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2/3-1 cup milk (I used almond milk)
  • 3 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 cups frozen blueberries
  • turbinado sugar (optional)


  • Preheat oven to 400F.
  • In a large bowl whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. 
  • Using a 2-cup measuring cup, add the vegetable oil and eggs. Then fill the measuring cup to the 2-cup mark with milk of choice (any will work, I used almond milk).  Should be 2/3 cup to 1 cup of milk.
  • Add vanilla to liquids and whisk until combined.
  • Add the milk mixture to the bowl with flour and sugar and mix until combined. I used my KitchenAid stand mixer with the paddle attachment, but simply a fork would also work. DO NOT OVERMIX. The batter will be fairly thick.
  • Add blueberries and gently fold in to combine. 
  • Divide the batter between the muffin cups. This mixture should make 2 dozen. Fill only about half way full, as these will rise when baking.
  • (Optional) sprinkle a little sugar on top of each muffin. Turbinado sugar will give it a little extra crunch.
  • Bake for 20 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean. 

Please tag @nommingwithnicola and #nommingwithnicola with pictures you take of your own recreations of this recipe! Hope you enjoy!