Tag: vegan

Thai-Inspired Veggie Noodle Salad

Thai-Inspired Veggie Noodle Salad

Okay – so this has been a really exciting and stressful past week or two! I had some very high highs and some very low lows, but I’m trying to focus on the positive 🙂 In good news, we made some huge strides forward with 

Winter Wild Rice Salad

Winter Wild Rice Salad

Happy MLK Day! Who else got the day off today? Nick did, so I took a day of PTO with him to catch up with house chores and to get more done on the new blog 🙂 I was recently explaining to a few people, 

Garlic Chili Lime Roasted Chickpeas

Garlic Chili Lime Roasted Chickpeas

MY FIRST BLOG POST! I’m so excited you guys!! Well, it’s January, and I’m normally not one for resolutions, but I did come up with a few items to focus on in 2019 that I believe I can improve on or that would make my